Abstract/Session Submission

To register for the conference or submit an abstract online you must first login to the new NARSC portal. Submissions will be accepted through August 2, 2024.

More details about registration methods are available by clicking here.

Access to the submission system is available through the portal. Look for the link in the left hand menu bar that says “Submit a Paper/Session.” Additional instructions are provided there. 

Regular Sessions

If you are not a participant in a pre-organized session, the NARSC Program Committee will place your paper into the most appropriate session available. Please choose your keywords carefully to help steer your paper into the most appropriate session.

To request participation in the conference as a regular paper presenter, the following items need to be submitted:

* Name of authors and their affiliations

* Title of the proposed presentation

* Abstract (250 words)

Organized Sessions

To submit an organized session (discussion panel or paper session), please have the participants in your session submit their work as regular paper presenters — as described above. Then ask them to forward their confirmation emails to you. Each email will contain an identification number for the paper.

The session submitter should collect the confirmation numbers for each paper before proceeding to submit the session.To submit the session a submitter should also prepare: session title, description, organizers, chairperson, and discussants

Once the session information has been entered and finalized, the organizer will have an opportunity to add papers to the session by entering the ID numbers for each constituent paper as shown in the screen shot at left.

Organized sessions can also be in the form of a Panel. Panel Sessions can consist of 4-6 participants. These sessions are 120-minute discussions among the panel and audience members. Formal presentations are not to be part of panel sessions.

Once notification of acceptance of an abstract or organized session has been received from the Program Chair, all participants are required to register and pay the conference registration fee by August 15th in order to confirm placement on the Program. In no case will a paper or Abstract/Session Submission session be included on the Preliminary Program posted on or around September 1 unless all relevant participants are registered. In the case of a paper submission, this means payment by at least one (presenting) author. In the case of an organized session, this means payment by at least one (presenting) author for each of the included papers in the session. An author cannot present more than two (2) papers; that is, an author cannot secure the inclusion of more than two papers on the program. Any additional papers will not be included in the program.

To guarantee the placement of a paper on the conference program, one author needs to pay conference registration fees AND earmark the paper. Acceptance letters will be e-mailed to submitting authors on or around July 15. Please review the instructions provided in this email message to register and earmark abstracts. If you have questions about this process, contact the Program Chair Sandy Dall’erba.