As a nonprofit organization, the North American Regional Science Council can receive contributions from individuals, corporations, and other organizations, that are deductible to the full extent of the law from income tax by U.S. taxpayers who itemize on their federal tax forms. NARSC is a 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the United States IRS. The organization is incorporated in the State of Arizona.
When you make a donation to NARSC, a receipt will be issued to you, stating the amount of the contribution, stipulating that no goods or services were received in return for the contribution, and documenting that NARSC is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization.
Your gift will contribute to the organization of the Annual North American Meetings of RSAI and to the enhancements of the academic experience unique to these meetings. In addition, for the past several years, NARSC has administered the Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship Fund whose mission is to support graduate studies in the field of Regional Science in North America. Details on the annual fellowship are available here Applications. Past laureates have done work in a variety of North American institutions and various disciplines interfacing with Regional Science. To ear-mark your contribution to the Ben Stevens Fund, state your desire on the on-line donation form or on your check.
In addition, NARSC has initiated an ambitious program to reach out to students and junior scholars. This new initiative started at the 2006 Toronto meetings with two Graduate Student Paper Competitions. Students whose papers are accepted for entry in the final competition will receive a travel grant award to attend the meetings, and the laureates will be awarded cash and in-kind prizes. NARSC hopes to sustain this Competition with contributions from the Regional Science community of scholars as well as from corporations and other public and private organizations. To ear-mark your contribution to the Graduate Student Paper Competition, state your desire on the on-line donation form or on your check.
NARSC is also pleased to support the lecture delivered annually in memory of Andrew Isserman, who passed away in November 2010. A fund has been setup at Arizona State University to this effect. Tax-deductible donations can be made to this fund at the following URL: http://www.asufoundation.org/narsc-isserman-lecture.
Before the end of the calendar year, please consider supporting the educational mission of the North American Regional Science Council. You may contribute online by credit card using our secure server. You will need to either have or obtain a free NARSC account to make a donation. Please go to the following page to sign up for an account or login. Once you have logged in, click on the “Register/Donate” link on the left-hand side of the page and then select “Make a Donation” from the drop-down menu and hit the continue button. After that, please follow the instructions on your screen to make a donation.
You may also elect to make a contribution by mail. Please send a check made out to “North American Regional Science Council” and mail it to the address below:
John Sporing
NARSC Executive Director
11278 Fairwind Way
Reston, VA 20190
Please be aware that mail delivery may be delayed during the holiday season and that your contribution may therefore not be credited to the current fiscal year. For further information, please contact NARSC Executive Director at executivedirector@narsc.org.