“The region has its own ‘essence’ which can be grasped in full only by tools, hypotheses, models and data processing techniques specifically designed for regional analysis.”—Walter Isard
In Memoriam – Walter Isard – 1919-2010
Welcome to the website of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC). We are an international scholarly organization that focuses on regional analysis, ranging from urban and spatial economic theories to applied problems and public policies in regional development, sustainability, environmental management, transportation, land use and many other contemporary issues of our societies. We are an interdisciplinary association representing members in fields as diverse as economics, agricultural economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography, finance, and demography. NARSC represents Regional Science in North America, and our allied regional organizations provide opportunities for local participation. These organizations represent Canada, the northeast, southern, mid-continent and western regions of the United States.
Please take a few minutes to browse our site. I think you will find plenty of opportunities to build strong and lasting relationships with a diverse group of scholars at the cutting edge of urban and regional research. We pride ourselves on the unique networking opportunities we offer to scholars and practitioners interested in socio-economic phenomena in a regional context. Our annual conference is the meeting of scholars hailing from all quarters of the world. Our website provides information concerning the North American conference and links to regional and international Regional Science organizations.
NARSC is an organization with institutional members, and not an association with individual membership. However, your personal involvement in the Regional Science movement is important to us. You can participate through one of our five allied regional organizations. Through your membership with one or more of these organizations, or by attending our annual meetings, you will also secure membership in the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). You also have the option of directly seeking membership in RSAI. Visit the Regional Science Association International website for membership information.
Do not hesitate to contact me at ExecutiveDirector@narsc.org
John Sporing
Executive Director
North American Regional Science Council