Conference Registration

Dear Conference Participant – NARSC is delighted that you will be joining us in New Orleans, LA for the 2024 North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). Every year, NARSC signs a contract with a hotel to serve as the venue for the conference. As part of the contract, NARSC promises to fill a certain number of room nights. If we fail to fill our contracted room block, NARSC must pay the full nightly cost of each unfilled room. This is the reason why we offer a discounted rate for conference participants who stay at the conference hotel. More information about how to book a room at the conference hotel is available on this page.

Individuals who are members of RSAI, also receive discounted registration. This is one of the benefits of RSAI membership. If you are unsure about your RSAI membership status you can check it by looking at the RSAI Members List which can be found here.

You can pay for the conference using a credit card via our secure registration portal. This is the same page where you submitted your abstract.

CategoryNamePrice (US$)
Advance Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Regular Attendee (staying at Conference Hotel)495
Advance Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Regular Attendee (not staying at Conference Hotel)810
Advance Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Retired Faculty & Post-doctoral researchers (staying at Conference Hotel)450
Advance Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Retired Faculty & Post-doctoral researchers (not staying at Conference Hotel)760
Advance Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Student Registration (staying at Conference Hotel)340
Advance Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Student Registration (not staying at Conference Hotel)450
Advance Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Regular Attendee (staying at Conference Hotel)580
Advance Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Regular Attendee (not staying at Conference Hotel)900
Advance Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Student Registration (staying at Conference Hotel)375
Advance Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (August 16, 2024, 5pm EST to October 25, 2024, 5pm EST)Student Registration (not staying at Conference Hotel)500
Late/On-site Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Regular Attendee (staying at Conference Hotel)600
Late/On-site Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Regular Attendee (not staying at Conference Hotel)900
Late/On-site Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Retired Faculty & Post-doctoral researchers (staying at Conference Hotel)550
Late/On-site Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Retired Faculty & Post-doctoral researchers (not staying at Conference Hotel)865
Late/On-site Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Student Registration (staying at Conference Hotel)400
Late/On-site Registration: RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Student Registration (not staying at Conference Hotel)515
Late/On-site Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Regular Attendee (staying at Conference Hotel)675
Late/On-site Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Regular Attendee (not staying at Conference Hotel)1000
Late/On-site Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Student Registration (staying at Conference Hotel)450
Late/On-site Registration: Non-RSAI Members – NARSC Conference (After October 25, 2024)Student Registration (not staying at Conference Hotel)550
Guest Ticket (includes 2 receptions & Saturday Awards Lunch)Guest Ticket (includes 2 receptions & Saturday Awards Lunch)250

If you need to pay by check or bank transfer simply circle the appropriate fee and follow the instructions that are found at the bottom of the table. All registration fee prices are expressed in US dollars.

Refund Policy

For any cancellations received before September 15, 2024, NARSC will retain $50 of your registration fee to cover credit card and related handling charges. For cancellations received between September 15, 2024 and October 28, 2024, $100 of your registration fee will be retained. For students, $25 of the registration fee will be retained for cancellations through October 28, 2024. For any canceled workshop, guest reception and luncheon orders, $25 will be retained for cancellations until October 28, 2024. Refund requests should be submitted to NARSC’s Executive Director, John Sporing. Under no circumstances will refunds be issued after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on October 28, 2024. If, however, it becomes impossible for you to attend after October 28, you may optionally transfer your registration to an alternate participant that you have identified by contacting NARSC’s Executive Director, John Sporing.